Wednesday, March 25, 2015

K2 Destination Configurations for Work list Items to be available for all destination users even if any destination user already opened the item

Scenario: I want to have a work list item to be visible for all Users in an AD group, even if one of the user already opened the work list item. Also, I need to advance to the next step in workflow when one of the user in Group takes action.
I don’t want the worklist item to be disappeared from the User’s Worklist as soon as one user opens it. All users should be able to see the worklist item until one of the user takes action.
Go to Destination Rule Options of the Activity.
Select Plan per Destination – All at once
Create a slot for each destination.
Resolve all roles and groups to users since I want any user in the role or group can action the item.

In the Destination Sets, Add the user/roles/groups who can action the item.
You can also add multiple users, Roles in the Destination Sets.
Click Next and Finish.

Go to Outcome succeeding rule wizard

Open each configured outcome -
You will see that
All slots of Action Result =

Change it to
Atleast 1 of ActionResult =

Do the same for all other Outcomes.

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Assigning K2 worklist Item to Dynamic Multiple Destination Users - Configuration

Adding Multiple Users for Destination in K2 workflow:

Scenario: Sometimes we may need to assign a work list to a list of multiple users (approvers).  We can achieve this functionality as follows:
  1. Create a Process Field “UsersList” with “;” separated list of userids(along with domain)
EX: denallix\bob;denallix\riverarod;denallix\jarmanj2

Note: make sure there is no semi-colon at the end of the string.

  1. Update the Destination Users as follows.
Make sure you selected Advanced Settings.

i.e. Configure Function as follows:

To Send email to the Users, Configure as follows
For Email Activity Do as Follows:

Open the email Event. And Set “Destination user” as recipient.

Right Click on K2 Designer for Visual Studio 2010 not working

Right click on the kprx file of Visual Studio 2010 Designer for K2 stopped working. Not able to go to Line properties in the workflow.


Go to Start => All Programs => Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 =>Visual Studio Tools => 
Right click on “Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010)” and Run as administrator.
Type “devenv /setup”  and hit enter.

If still not working, try below solution:

1.     Ensure Visual Studio 2010 is not running. Check for and shut-down the devenv.exe process if necessary.
2.     Using Windows Explorer, browse to the folder with the originally extracted installation file e.g.:
[your extraction folder]\Setup\Installation
3.     Right-click on the K2 for Visual Studio 2010.msi file and select Repair

The K2 Designer extension will be repaired in a few seconds and the mouse right-click context menu and K2 toolbar will be available in Visual Studio 2010 once more.