Saturday, March 21, 2015

Right Click on K2 Designer for Visual Studio 2010 not working

Right click on the kprx file of Visual Studio 2010 Designer for K2 stopped working. Not able to go to Line properties in the workflow.


Go to Start => All Programs => Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 =>Visual Studio Tools => 
Right click on “Visual Studio Command Prompt (2010)” and Run as administrator.
Type “devenv /setup”  and hit enter.

If still not working, try below solution:

1.     Ensure Visual Studio 2010 is not running. Check for and shut-down the devenv.exe process if necessary.
2.     Using Windows Explorer, browse to the folder with the originally extracted installation file e.g.:
[your extraction folder]\Setup\Installation
3.     Right-click on the K2 for Visual Studio 2010.msi file and select Repair

The K2 Designer extension will be repaired in a few seconds and the mouse right-click context menu and K2 toolbar will be available in Visual Studio 2010 once more.

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